Spanish lyrics to wakakusa monogatari - nan to joo sensei
1993 Little Men
Missis Jo und ihre fröhliche Familie
Petite bonne femme
Una classe di monelli per Jo

Spanish Opening
Los chicos de Jo

Una historia sin igual la que te voy a contar,
Llena de ternura y amor.
Ella dedica su vida con amor y disciplina,
A crear un mundo mejor.

Pero todo tiene arreglo en la vida,
Si te marchas a la granja de Jo.

Son tan felices en esa granja,
Porque es su hogar y respiran amor.
Todos te ayudan cuando estás triste,
De corazón son los chicos de Jo.

Viven felices en esa granja,
Este es su hogar y también el de Jo.
Son educados y agradecidos,
Todo ilusión son los chicos de Jo.

Viven felices en esa granja,
Porque es su hogar y respiran amor.
Siempre te ayudan cuando estás triste,
De corazón son los chicos de Jo.

¡Siempre felices!

"Los chicos de Jo" ("Jo's Boys")

A story like no other the one I'm going to tell you,
Filled with tenderness and love.
She dedicates her life with love and discipline,
To create a better world.

But everything has solution in life,
If you leave to Jo's farm.

They're are so happy in this farmhouse,
Because it's their home and they breathe love.
They all help you when you are sad,
From the heart they're Jo's boys.

They live happily in this farmhouse,
This is their home and also that of Jo.
They're well-mannered and grateful,
All dreams are Jo's boys.

They live happily in this farmhouse,
Because it's their home and they breathe love.
They always help you when you are sad,
Of heart, they're Jo's boys.

Always happy!

Vocalist: Soledad Pilar Santos
Music: Carmelo Carucci
Lyrics: Begoña Ramos
Translation: Eric I. (InSpain)


Pictures: © Nippon Animation Co. Ltd